If you are not new to the Peer-to-peer world, then you must have heard about the “File Extension Torrent”files which have extension “.torrent” or “.tor”. These files need external software such as Bit torrent or uTorrent to download the complete archive of the package. You will need to download and install the software before you could start using the start using it. Once you have installed any one of the software, you will need to locate a Web site that will let you download an archive header or a .torrent file. There are a number of such sites that have updated file lists and let you download these header files, which add to the client software and then download the complete archive. This file contains a location that tells the software client where to go to find the tracker that manages the uploading and downloading of the archive.

Once you have downloaded the .torrent file, your software client will kick in and connect to a managing computer that then connects you to others who have the “File Extension Torrent” files. You may now be wondering that why would you want to go to Web sites first to download the header file? And what makes this network different from any other? The answer to this is “Speed”. Speed is the biggest advantage on the Torrent network. Downloading using this network is a dream since you are only limited by bandwidth and the number of seeds available. If both are high, rest assured, downloading gigabytes of data is all in a day’s work.

Most of this “File Extension Torrent” files depend directly upon the number of Seeders and Leechers for a particular archive.Seeder(s) are those users who have at least one complete copy of the archive with them and are sharing it on the Torrent network. However, for any user’s download to complete, you will need at least one seeder who has the complete copy. Under certain circumstances though, there may be no one seeder but enough people with all the parts to make up the whole archive, which is called a distributed copy. Leechers is a user who starts downloading from the network and then carries on downloading by connecting to different seeders. A leecher is part of the network and is uploading as well, many times more KB than they download. This ensures that all users on the network get an equal opportunity to download the file.