If you`re not satisfied with your current hosting company and planning to change the hosting company due reasons like technical support not able to swiftly solve the problems, extra features not available, billing indiscretion or over billing then you should consider following points before changing your host.
1. BACKUP EVERYTHING – All of your data stored in hosting company’s server will be deleted as soon as you discontinue the service, so don’t even think about forgetting to copy some files.
2. Make sure that your new host supports all your present software and services – One of the main reason to switch web hosting providers is to achieve improved features or software. But still, you need to check the compatibility of core software and services that you must have to keep your site running smoothly.
3. Investigate your DNS settings before the transfer - Don`t wait until the last minute to investigate and understand this process. It is a change that must be made with your registrar of record. Therefore, be sure you know where your domain name is registered before moving the account.
4. Perform an online background check on your top candidates - Perform a quick search in google.com or refer to online
web hosting reviews and ratings sites like http://www.findmyhosting.com to sort out best hosting company for you.
5. Test out the` technical support’ - Try calling their support line. You can also have a tricky pre-sales question or two ready to ask. Make certain that you`re comfortable with both the courtesy and the technical competency of the support staff - because they`re the ones that you`ll be talking to if you ever really need help with your web site.
6. Look for a money-back guarantee - Be certain to read the terms of the guarantee before you sign up. Many hosts are at present offers a free trial period or a money-back guarantee.
Take these steps to make sure a successful transfer. You`re transition to your new web host will be much easier, and hopefully you won`t have to make another web hosting change for a long, long