Okayblog.net is an extraordinary blogging platform which takes blogging to next level with its enhanced features and services. This Wordpress blogging software powered site gives it user the option to create a Free Blog, having features and looks of a professionally designed website build using wordpress.org, the choice of many professional webmasters. In other words, this site provides a free wordpress blog for everyone.

Okayblog.net is free hosting site which completely free of ads. It provides its user with unlimited bandwidth and space to host whatever you upload in your blog. So,you don't have to worry about bandwidth and space, just focus on creating good post and building traffic to your blog. The adsense-ready templates gives you option to quickly manage your ad integration in the blog.

Moreover, there are lot of amazing wordpress themes to decorate your blog in your own unique style. Also, this site helps you promote your blog by providing you with plugins like Sitemap generator and Google Analytics, which would make your blog visible in Google search.

The registration process is quiet simple and easy; you just need to fill your username and email address. Afterward, your password will be sent to the registered email address and it would only take you only couple of minutes before you are actually blogging and sharing your thoughts.